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Hypnotherapy has been shown to be an effective tool for IBS and in England is recommended by NICE guidelines. You may be able to access hypnotherapy for IBS through the NHS.


We will focus on your specific symptoms and relief for them, so that you can experience improvement in your well-being and quality to life. Hypnosis has been noted to help with abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation and bloating as well as helping to relieve other symptoms, for example, nausea and fatigue.


We will consider specific gut directed suggestions and imagery where needed as well as other techniques which may be beneficial. It may also be helpful for me to connect with your GP, or any other medical professionals who support you receive or ensure we are all working together, although this is your choice.


The amount of sessions you need is likely to depend on different factors but the National Council for Hypnotherapy propose 6 sessions with follow ups if needed.


Sessions will involve taking a detailed medical history, visualisation techniques, exploring worries, suggestions to increase well being, considering the link between and mind and gut and self hypnosis techniques. We may also utilise techniques from other therapies such as creative methods, polyvagal theory and somatic experiencing to increase your knowledge in how to soothe your nervous system, manage stress levels and feel calm.


Through hypnotherapy you could leave the house without worrying if your symptoms will flare, feel relaxed about food and see a reduction or resolution in your symptoms.

I can help you work towards feeling calmer, more relaxed and confident.

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